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Sep 27, 2017 2:19 PM

Mar 2014
FMmatron said:
Interesting concept terribly executed, one of the worst shows this season.

Ok then tell me 20 shows from this season that were better.
I started around 25 shows this season and dropped over 10 of them, all were A LOT worse than this anime and a good part of those i have not dropped are also worse. So trust me, this anime is not anywhere close to being one of the worst of the season.

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Sep 27, 2017 2:23 PM

Aug 2013
This was a solid show in the end, some parts could've been handled better like the pool episode was actually MC's plan to get dirt on others but they skimmed over that for some reason

I hope someone publishes the LN and they consider making another season (even though that unlikely)

Sep 27, 2017 2:35 PM
Apr 2016
This was interesting, then it became disappointing, and then it ended with me as "Meh". 6/10.

DoctorWasabi said:
Ayanokoji made this show amazing



That's a good one.
Sep 27, 2017 2:47 PM

Jul 2011
The English translation for the novel still in volume 2 and the anime end at volume 3 :/
Sep 27, 2017 2:47 PM

Aug 2013
I was on board the hype for the first 4 or 5 episodes then I was kinda teetering for the middle and the ending just killed it. Oh Ayanokoji is the real enemy all along, I mean...could they be anymore generic? Kinda sad how this series went. Good concept, poor execution indeed. From what could have been an 8 from me is basically a weak 6/10.
Don't believe the hype.
Sep 27, 2017 2:51 PM
Aug 2015
Really enjoyed this show and I really hope they make a season 2. Probably one of the best i've watched for summer 2017
Sep 27, 2017 2:55 PM

May 2010
Basically Ayanokoji surmised a bunch of things based on some unreliable observations...well that's anime for you.
Sep 27, 2017 3:48 PM

Aug 2017
I was right all along, the series ends with MC past still unknown and only we have some parts. I think that the shock factor of the win of Class D is not stong enough to impact. The final is 'meh' and is like 'read the novel' but overall the anime is dissapointing. Interesting premise but wasted potential and terribly executed after episode 5 with excessive fanservice and a lot of boring scenes. 2/5. Anime overall: 4/10
NurguburuSep 27, 2017 3:59 PM
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Sep 27, 2017 4:00 PM

May 2015
I swear, this really needs a second season. Kiyotaka is simply full of mysteries. I wish the English translation wasn't so slow, but oh well. I guess I have the patience for now.

Decent finale though. Horikita going all tsun at the end was adorable, lmao.


Sep 27, 2017 4:08 PM
Dec 2016
One of the beat anime I've watched, its now one of my favorites, really enjoyed the show and I highly want a second season 10/10
Sep 27, 2017 4:10 PM

Dec 2015
Well thats the end, decent anime i guess . But wow ayanokoji inner thought .....
I wish this anime explain more about ayanokoji past
Sep 27, 2017 4:19 PM

Aug 2010
gah i must read the LNs i hope they get english license someday :3

For the most part i enjoyed this, its a lot different than most of the isekai stuff thats invading the LN habitat atm so i for one welcome this kind of stories that are somewhat different and i end up enjoying anime with emotionless protagonists (yes im looking at you Oreki)
Sep 27, 2017 4:25 PM
Jun 2016

Overall, as I've said before, this is one of the most disappointing series this summer for me. 5/10
Sep 27, 2017 4:25 PM

Sep 2016
Dropped this in episode 2, just watched final episode out of curiosity. lol that last 10 seconds.edgy af, that's like the even edgier version of the super edgy akashi.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Sep 27, 2017 4:31 PM

Jun 2016
Pipe said:
Yes, concludes an arc but nothing more. For some would be a perfect ending for others a lame ending. For me is just the conclusion of an event but not enough to be an ending.
Yea we need 2nd season. We dont know Ayonokojo past, about class B and A, also horikita brother.
Sep 27, 2017 4:32 PM

Feb 2017
Lame finale but the end made me NEED a season 2.

I have a love/hate relationship with this anime. I thought the first half was amazing, but the second half was dumb and I felt like it was building up to a climax that never happened, instead focusing on stupid conflicts like who stole the panties (did we ever find out???).

Also what happened to Kushida and Sakura? Both had the potential to be good characters, but pretty much vanished as the show went on.

Loved MC evil genius and Horikita though. 8/10
'I love you because you're you. I'm happy that you're whole. I don't care if there are sides of you that I don't know, or don't like. If that's who you are, that's fine. As long as you're whole, that's enough for me.'-Kouko Kaga
Sep 27, 2017 4:48 PM
Dec 2015
Huh, so this is the end. The last episode was good, at least comparing it to the previous couple of episodes, but honestly, it isn't amazing. The pace was cranked the hell up for this episode since they went so slow in the previous ones. It almost felt as if the creators thought the viewer was dumb, they did a whole lot of tell and not show in this episode. I mean, I will watch a season two if it comes out, but this series ended up being weak.

Sep 27, 2017 4:55 PM

Apr 2014
Ayanokoji not only carried Class D but this entire show.

Sep 27, 2017 5:14 PM

May 2014
This serie was a disaster one after another. Potential wasted, forced plot going nowhere, insufferable atmosphere that wants to take itself too seriously (the cringe is really strong), flat, boring and edgys characters with zero development (flashback ≠ development) and pretentious and stupids dialogues, a lot of exposure and no subtlety. And how do you can be excited with someone so dull as Ayanokouji? he is just as interesting as knowing if a rock comes from the earth or a meteorite

*sigh* Anyways, I'm sure this year there were worse shows, but among those I saw, this was one of the worst, only surpassed for now by Masamune-kun no Revenge. I hope never release a second season, the world is already bad enough. 3/10
Rhapsody-Sep 27, 2017 5:21 PM
Sep 27, 2017 5:26 PM

Nov 2011
Horikita's development throughout the series has been freaking awesome! Honestly yeah I ship her and Ayanokoji but after his rant about only caring about getting W's aka "WINNING" I hope he doesn't end up with anyone. Just rising in ranks with whoever he needs to use to get there. That makes Ayanokoji fucking awesome in my opinion.

Every week this series failed to disappoint me. Easily best of the season and honestly one of the best of the year.


Also produced two of the best characters of the year in Horikita and Ayanokoji.
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Sep 27, 2017 5:33 PM

Jul 2014
I thought this anime was enjoyable at times but fell flat in other places. The last 20 seconds is the best part of the show. 7/10
Sep 27, 2017 5:48 PM
Sep 2016
Last episode was the best
Sep 27, 2017 5:52 PM

Feb 2015
This is a show that I wanted to like more than I actually did, but it was still a fun ride.

6/10, needs more Edgykouji
LohuydahuttSep 27, 2017 5:55 PM
Sep 27, 2017 6:01 PM

Oct 2012
When the series started I thought it would be one of the top 3 or so shows of the season. It's such a clever premise with interesting characters (twisted, in this case) to make it interesting but too many of the episodes got away from that falling back on anime tropes. So 7/10 and hoping for a much stronger season 2 sometime soon.
Sep 27, 2017 6:05 PM

Jan 2011
i don't even know where to begin with this show from the start it never sold me but kept me somewhat interested in it's potential but every week it got to point of doing something interesting but then never went any where and progressively got worse till the end when it was to late to save it. can easily sum it up as one of the most disappointing shows for me this summer 6.5/10

all this talk about Ayanokoji being the best character when i'm like yeah no shit because there were like one or two other noteworthy characters that had some amount of focus lol everyone else got gutted. plus people love OP characters like this with a hint of edge
Sep 27, 2017 6:27 PM

Nov 2015

Sep 27, 2017 6:35 PM
Jul 2017
The ending monologue tho 😑 I knew there was a dark side to Ayanokoji but not that deep. Low key wanted him to like Horikta. I really liked how it was an isolated elite school that was based on points and all the facilities that were available to them looked cool.
Sep 27, 2017 6:43 PM

Sep 2013
What a boring end to a terrible show.
Sep 27, 2017 6:48 PM
Sep 2016
That ending was perfect! Ayanokoji is exactly the kind of character I wanted him to be. I need a second season now!
Sep 27, 2017 6:48 PM

Mar 2016
Last episode was great af. Like seriously, Ayanokoji is too fking brilliant to follow that risky plan... Some teachers don't check their students' paperworks, that's what I was thinking of his plan... LOL.
Note: I sometimes forgot to read the rules... That's why I sometimes getting banned!

9/10 for the whole series "can't be change anymore!"
5/5 Best episode for now... "this one surely can't be change."
2nd season when??? ~OwO~ "I don't mind"
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Sep 27, 2017 6:56 PM

Aug 2015
Show was pretty entertaining. I just wish it was more consistent in terms of quality.
Really want to read the source now.
Sep 27, 2017 7:05 PM

Aug 2017
It was a very good anime until episode 6, I would give it an 8 or 9/10, but episode 7 and 8 were so out of place, and then 9, 10 and 11 caused mixed feelings in me. I think that the characters of class D were too dumb just to make the MC and the people of the other classes seem smart. Episode 12 was good but not that good. I'm going with a 7/10 because of the first half of the season. I will not lie, I would watch another season, but I am glad that this season is over.
Sep 27, 2017 7:26 PM

Oct 2015
I really liked the beginning of this show, but it went downhill during this island arc. I don't care for any of the characters, and it was way too convenient for class D to be the winners. Way too much detail is left out for a season two that we may never get. All in all it is a 6/10 for me. It is really a shame. This series had so much potential.
Sep 27, 2017 7:32 PM

Jun 2010
Kushida still hot as hell. Was disappointed with the lack of her these last few episodes. Would have even taken villain Kushida.
Sep 27, 2017 7:34 PM

Jul 2015
Oh, it's over? To be quite honest, that didn't feel THAT much like a finale, but this episode was better than the ones we had previously that were from 7 over. I think.

Okay, well I will give it a 6. I really wanted to like this a lot, but honestly, it was a major disappointment after the 6th episode. The 7th one especially felt unnecessary and weird, and no, it's not because it's a fanservice episode since I don't really mind the kind of stuff.
AmyTwoSep 27, 2017 8:01 PM
Sep 27, 2017 7:54 PM

Mar 2014
feels like nothing happened throughout the end. all the characters are unremarkable
Sep 27, 2017 8:06 PM

Jan 2013
totally would welcome more of sociopath mc in the future
Sep 27, 2017 8:32 PM

Nov 2016
TheKawaiiZombie said:
FMmatron said:
Interesting concept terribly executed, one of the worst shows this season.

Ok then tell me 20 shows from this season that were better.
I started around 25 shows this season and dropped over 10 of them, all were A LOT worse than this anime and a good part of those i have not dropped are also worse. So trust me, this anime is not anywhere close to being one of the worst of the season.

Yeah, of course I'm gonna trust you....

And I don't why I should bother myself with listing them,if you can look it up yourself, I picked up 33 shows this season and had also 5 left overs from the previous one, they're all on my list. And I gotta say, worse ones were.

Battle Girl High School and Smartphone Isekai whatever.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 27, 2017 8:37 PM

Jan 2011
Dumb show, but I would actually like to see more.
Sep 27, 2017 8:43 PM

Oct 2012
Thanks to Ayanokouji, I need a season 2.
Sep 27, 2017 8:50 PM

Jul 2017
I love this show and how it keeps you on the edge of your seat, especially at the end of the episode where Ayanokoji reveals (in monologue) that he thinks of no one as an ally and (currently) only has winning on his mind, willing to use other people.
Also, I loved Horikita's tsundere behavior at the end. I doubt they'll become a thing since romance isn't heavy whatsoever in this anime but I still ship them regardless.
Gintama > One Piece = Naruto > Bleach > DBZ

Nyanko Big is my spirit animal.
Sep 27, 2017 8:51 PM

Feb 2017
A solid 5/10, this anime was so average.
Sep 27, 2017 8:53 PM

Sep 2014
Well, this was the huge waste of time..
Unless they have a second season planned of course.
Sep 27, 2017 9:04 PM

Apr 2011
Some death note vibes at the end LUL
Sep 27, 2017 9:05 PM

Aug 2013
I kind of predicted half of it, and was half surprised.

- Knew that Ayanokoji set up the fire and plotted the entire thing to get Ibuki to steal the card.
- Was genuinely surprised that Ryuen was still on the island and Ibuki really was a spy.
- Was not surprised that Ayanokoji went along with the idea of changing class leader.
- Was surprised about Ryuen's deal with Baldy and how they both fucked themselves over.
- Was also surprised D class came in first place. Would've bet on second place.

Though they never revealed the real panty thief.

We got to see a tiny bit more of evil Kushida, but she managed to keep herself composed since people were nearby.

We also finally got to see that Ichinose isn't the goody-goody that she pretends to be (not that any viewer actually trusted her). Turns out she's amassing all of her points to change classes to one of her choosing...A class obviously. So her loyalty is to herself. Still curious how she managed to rack up and save that metric fuck ton of points though. That's more than A class students.

We got a shit load of revelations on Ayanokoji. The person he cant stand is his father. Although we don't know if his father ran the lab/school place Ayanokoji was in (which seems likely) or if he just was a trash dad who sent him there and encouraged it. We also got a taste of his hidden side now. Turns out that despite all of this class bonding and helping all of his classmates all the time, he literally gives no fucks about them. They're just pawns used as a means to an end for him to "win". Also explains why he's a good fighter, since he was brainwashed with the mindset to never lose at anything. His situation was also compared to the story of Icarus, which is rather ominous and foreshadowing, though hopefully the goal is for him to change his own "fate of Icarus".

I'm sure Ayanokoji will get a lot of flak now in the thread, and somewhat rightfully so, but just remember he was brainwashed and forced into those beliefs. His brain has basically been rewired through what was probably a torturous, fucked up school/lab to make super elite children. And he was the only one who made it through to the end since he was able to change to adapt and survive it.

Himitsu_17 said:
Wait... If all that matters is that he wins, then WHY didn't he directly access A class ? Can't bullshit the "didn't bother" or something like that, with such a twist.
Probably because the circumstances changed. He never wanted to be in the elite A class. His idea of "winning" is going against what his father would've wanted and what the fucked up program he was in taught be and live an average/normal lifestyle. He was forced to be a super child that could do anything. Living school life as an under-the-radar, average Joe Schmoe is the ultimate spit in the face and act of defiance of that ideology.

He's now forced to "win" and reach for A class because the D class teacher is black-mailing him. The teachers move up the ranks with their students (AFAIK) so she has some ulterior motive as well that's she's pushing on to him since he's above and beyond the most, and really ONLY capable person of doing it.
Jonesy974Sep 27, 2017 9:15 PM
Sep 27, 2017 9:16 PM

Mar 2008
LMAO. the real winner is Kouenji, all he did was play in the jungle and retire when he's bored and get a free win.
Sep 27, 2017 9:22 PM

Dec 2016
Ayanakoji wants to win, and makes it seem like he wants to help others win, by actually helping others win, to then end up helping him win. Hmmmmmmm
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Sep 27, 2017 9:24 PM

Jul 2012
Shame that this series finally became more interesting at the end. I heard that this is where the real story actually begins, but considering how much the Japanese didn't like this adaptation a few weeks ago, it's a bit hard to see a second season happening. I guess we'll see when the BD sales are released.
Sep 27, 2017 9:54 PM

Dec 2010
So Ayanokoji is a sociopath... I guess that's what they meant when they said he was the most defective one.
Sacrificing sleep and sanity for more anime-induced dopamine.
Sep 27, 2017 9:55 PM

Dec 2011
Damn Ayanokouji... He finally able to tame best girl Horikita and he dont give a fck about her
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